Shaun Buikema
Cliff McCalister - Chairman
Steve Hanford
Shaun Buikema
Steve Farson
John Stark
Key Responsibilities of the Elders
1. Shepherd those God gives us
2. Provide leadership and governance of the church
3 Protect the body from false teaching and division
4. Humbly participate and be mutually accountable as a part of the elder team.
Jim Stark - Chairman
Adrianne Bohne
Greg Davis
Shelby Edwards
Carl Mahnke
Tina Watson
Key Responsibilities of the Deacons
More than number crunchers, they are dedicated to serving people in the name of Christ. They look after the financial matters and physical property of the church as well as helping those in need here in our mountain community. They know that people who give funds to the church are really giving offerings to God, and these men/women are committed to using these funds in a way pleasing to Christ.
Director of Children’s Ministry
Molly stark
church administrator
Gail Herin
She is the face of PCCC to anyone who drops in or calls our church office.