We are a community church: Platte Canyon Community Church is a diverse community of people who come from many different denominational backgrounds while all believing in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We are united around a core Statement of Faith, while welcoming, respecting, and extending grace toward a diversity of perspectives on non-essential doctrines. We are also a church that serves the local community and offers fellowship to anyone in the community who believes in Christ.
We are committed to biblical teaching: We believe that the Bible is God’s reliable and trustworthy Word to us, revealing Christ as the foundation of our faith. Therefore, we place great value on scripture-centered preaching and teaching.
We are a non-denominational, elder-led church: Platte Canyon Community Church is a congregational church led by a team of elders, of whom the senior pastor is one member. The elders are affirmed by the church membership and are accountable first to God and then to the church constitution and the members of the church.
We are authentic: We seek to glorify God by being genuine and gracious in everything we do, including our relationships with one another, in our corporate worship, and utilizing our church community’s gifts and talents to the best of our ability.
Children and youth are important to us: Because we place great value on our children and youth, we seek to integrate them into the whole body of the church. We are committed to providing a safe and engaging environment in which non-churched children and youth, as well as our own, can learn about and come to know Christ as their Savior and Lord, guiding each of them as they develop their own personal faith in and love for God.